Part 5: 04.A: They're Here

: There is still no sign of the lone minstrel, although Jodariel tracks potential signs of movement east, the same way you are headed. You consider where to search for him.

: Were headed back east no matter what we choose, but, like our journey here, we can choose to head either through Gluehive, or through Fallflat.

: On top of me still not really wanting to go to a place called Gluehive, I think, if the minstrel were anything of a survivalist at all, hed probably tend to stick around the path that he knows. But, then again, that assumes that he was conscious and aware when he was in the blackwagon with us.

: Its ultimately a fifty-fifty, and I dont wanna go to Gluehive, so.

: As you make your way through the stark badlands of Fallflat, all there is to show for the missing minstrel is a deeper scowl on Jodariels face.

: Blast. I felt certain that he would have taken our same route to the Spring of Jomuer.

: Its all right, Jodi. He could have gone anywhere. Likely there was nothing to be found either way. We should keep moving.

: You pick up bits of pieces of the minstrels significance to your fellow exiles. He was there when they first discovered the blackwagon, but they speak little more of it for now.

: Stop the wagon.

: What, how come?

: Because of her.

: Does she mean what I think she means?

: I believe so.

: Your fellow exiles scramble to prepare the wagon for whatever is out there. Once you help them settle in, perhaps you can learn more of their source of concern.

: Unusually, there is nothing to do on this screen. Nobody in the blackwagon has anything to say to us; we havent unlocked any new pages in the book; and the Slugmarket isnt here. I guess this is just an opportunity to save and quit if you want?

: That said, I forgot to post Maes bio, so Ill take this opportunity to do that now.

: That done, lets just go ahead and prepare for whatevers incoming for tonight.

: They fear the Scribes! They fear the Scribes, I know they do!

: Whats she talking about? Whats going on?

: Howlers. Lots of them.

: Then, what are we gonna do?

: They fear the Scribes!

: Calm yourself, Mae. We shall give them reason to fear us, as well.
Music: Night Howlers

: Well use the raiments and the Books.

: Indeed. One of us can draw them out, under the Readers watch
It shall be just like one of our Rites.

: It seems we need your help in this, my friend. We just need a volunteer to go with you.

: Good to know Ive been voluntold.

: I will do it, Mister! Please, you have to let me, and, the Scribes, they will protect me, I know they will!

: Jodariel exchanges looks with Hedwyn. Each of them nods at you as if to signal their approval.

Theyre Here Gameplay

: The howling subsides as your fellow exiles scramble out to check on Mae.
Music: Flutter Fly

: Scree, hee!!

: Isnt he the best?! Can we keep him?

: Scree, hoo

: You sense a depth of experience in this creature. At least judging by drive-imp standards.

: In fact, you feel a connection to him. If you concentrate, perhaps you can derive some meaning from his calls and screeches.

: This little guy communicates entirely via screeches and coos, but we can understand him if we try really, really hard. Which means hovering my icon over his sentences, every single time he says anything at all. Rather than do my usual thing, which is hotlinking a cropped image to these unique overlays, Ill just write out all the translations instead of the unintelligible screeches, because thatll be half as much work for me.

: (The drive-imp seems both excited and frustrated by something. You sense some pattern in the drive-imps screeches. He seems welcoming of this.)

: (The drive-imp seems to have history with your blackwagon. You are beginning to understand him.)

: The drive-imp seems satisfied at having gotten through to you, and you explain to your companions what little you have learned of him so far. No one argues against letting the creature come along. Inside the wagon, the other drive-umps stare at him with something like reverence.

: So, weve gotten two humans, a demon, a dog, and a species of imp that specializes in driving wagons. Welcome to Pyre.

: Other than striking up a conversation with our new Furby, were still at a dearth of things to do at this stop. So were a bit starved for conversation, even if its with something that cant properly speak back. Lets see whats on its mind.

: You can see the little imp has made himself at home. He rushes right up to you.

: (Your new imp companion seems very pleased to be in the wagon. He indicates he was able to find you thanks to the swarm of howlers.)

: (He plans to set up a nest that should ward off any further trouble from them. He looks forward to the road ahead with everyone, and believes it shall be worth it.)

: He bounds off towards his brethren settled in the wagons rafters.

: Hes very expressive. But then again, I should hope he is; his face takes up, like, thirty-percent of his body.

: Anyway, now that weve gotten our little imp friend, were free to continue our journey eastward. Were only given one option to progress this time.

: Hedwyn orders the wagon to a halt somewhere in the desolate sprawl of Jomuer Valley.

: Theres someone on the road. Be careful, everyone.

: The figure watching the blackwagon from afar approaches, arms spread wide, although a hat and cloak conceal the figures features.

: Then, the imp rushes out toward whomever it is.

: (The imp is very riled up at the sight of whoever is approaching, though in an almost joyous way?)

: The imp called
Tizo appears very pleased. The lone minstrel turns toward the rest of you.

: Hello. We have not met, but I know who you are, or who you must be. I returned as promptly as I could.

: Have you walked with the Scribes themselves, because, I think maybe you have?

: Hello, indeed. You had us worried there when you took off.

: I should knock him back into his slumber.

: Your client?

: Aye, my client. Sandalwood. He is your point of contact, as I understand. You did not find his wagon by mistake.

: So, what now?

: You continue down the path. That is why I am here. When we meet my client, he shall explain. For now, you have a job to do. I assure you that I shall not interfere. But, I mean to accompany you. Would that be alright?

: Hedwyn and the others exchange looks.

: Welcome back, minstrel. You got a name?

: The Lone Minstrel returns to the blackwagon with your fellow exiles.

: The Cairn of Haub is a foreboding sight. It is here that the next Rite is soon to commence.

: If by foreboding you mean
metal as hell

: Reader? If you have a moment, once we are settled on these grounds, I wish to speak with you in the wagon, at your leisure.

: This is a pretty busy stop! We have something new in the Slugmarket; a new page unlocked in the book; and Tariq wants to speak with us in the blackwagon. Might as well start with him.

: On top of everything else, weve also unlocked Tariqs lute for our perusal. More on that in a minute, though.

: The Line Minstrel seems to have situated himself in the wagon. He is very still, not unlike when he was sleeping.

: Reader. I shall keep this brief, as you shortly have a Rite you must conduct.

: You have read something of the
Book of Rites. Which means that you may know something of my nature.

: Forgive me, for I spoke too soon. Suffice it I have served the Nightwings for some time. Conduct the Rites with glory, and you shall achieve what you seek.

: The Lone Minstrel nods farewell to you and steps away.

wait, thats the whole conversation? As soon as Tariq learned that we hadnt read too much of the book yet, he just drops everything? Thats
it doesnt leave a great taste in my mouth, but whatever, Pyre is all about the mystical youll find out when youre older character stuff.

: Lets take a look at the Lute first.

: The Lone Minstrel and his white lute chronicle the journey of the Nightwings through song. Using it, you may hear glimpses of your past experiences across the Downside.

: So, yeah, its just a sound test for all the songs youve heard so far. Nothing too exciting or anything, but if you have a favourite song and want to listen to it again (or look up its name so you can find it on Youtube), this is where youd go.

: The last thing to do in the blackwagon right now is to check out that brand new page we just unlocked.

: Theres one thing left to check out before we commence with the Rite, and thats to pay a visit to Ron at the Slugmarket. Lets see what else he has available for us.

: Uh, Ron? Howd you make it all this way ahead of us?

: Eh, come on now, Mister Greentail, cant just give up all my business secrets, am I right?

: What I CAN do, though, seeing as you been such a good customer and all, is provide for you a sample of a little something-something you might like?

: Here, check this out! Seeing as you bought that Moon Crest thinger from me last time, why, Im just thinking you could use THIS, and I got more, if you want!

: Pinch of Stardust can be combined with most (not all) Talismans in order to improve their performance. For example, if a Talisman grants a +1 to Quickness, we can buff that Talisman to improve that to +2. Which doesnt sound like a lot, but Pyre isnt about big numbers, and any buff is a substantial one.

: We can also combine a Pinch of Stardust to another Pinch of Stardust to create an even bigger blunt that will improve a Talisman by two (or more!) levels per application. Obviously, when you use the Stardust, you consume it.

: Rons got the same stuff as before, and our little spat with the Howlers has given us a bit of spending money, but Im not too interested in blowing my cash on anything except this little parchment.

: Whoever bears this contract gets one dollar each time they banish an adversary, with a maximum of ten Pyrebux per Rite. Using a Stardust on this contract will boost that limit to eleven. This will be our primary way to obtain any cash for quite a while yet, so yeah, were going to want this one for now. Itll be quite a popular Talisman for the early game, until we get other ways to earn cash.

: Thanks, guys! Good luck in that thing youre going to tonight.

: Were as geared up as were going to be, so lets go ahead and commence that shit.

: You and your fellow exiles gather around the scared site known as the Cairn of Haub, anticipating the hour that the Rites are to commence again.

: All is quiet for a time, then
Music: Thrash Pack

: I think this song is my favourite in the entire OST, and thats really saying something.

: Psst! Thats
Barker Ashpaws. Real piece of work. Just dont make eye contact.

: Oy well would you look at this lot! Even got one of our own! Consorting with the two-leggers! Youre a disgrace there, mate, you realize?

: Uh, good to see you, Barker, youre looking well! Didnt know you knew about the Rites!

: Oy I know bout a lot of things my friend! For instance I know youre going to be very, very sad after we wipe the floor with you here.

: Dont know whose back you scratched to earn yourself a spot on the high-and-mighty Nightwings, there, but I am gonna make sure all of you regret it. Because, why not?

: The cur Barker laughs away as his pack stumbles after him. You hear them howling and cackling as the stars above begin to glow.

: As the stars shine down upon you, the pack of curs you stand against this night continue hooting and howling.

: Oy come on you lot, lets boil some blood!!

: Then Rukey pulls you aside.

: Um
look, chum, I dont know how to say this, but I cant go against these guys. Just, trust me on this one, OK?

: You sense he means it. You make a mental note to ask about his history with Barker whenever time permits.

: Its all right, Rukey. We can take care of them.

: This ought to be good.

: Do not be coy with us, minstrel. Don the robes if you intend to stand with us.

: Oh, I did not mean myself. The Rites are not for me. I was instead referring to this little one.

: (Tizo seems to be volunteering to take on your adversaries, the Dissidents.)

: Absurd. The imp knows the Rites?

: I get the feeling that Tizo knows a lot of things.

: He knows a great deal. So long as the Nightwings stand together, he shall be at their side.

: Though, you need not take my word for it.

: Tizo? Our adversaries seem to be preoccupied. Perhaps you might quickly show our comrades what you can do?

: The little imp peers at you. You sense his connection to the Rites as he awaits your guidance.

: (Tizo seems excited to demonstrate some of his favorite tricks.)

: Reader? Influencing Tizo may take some getting used to. He is inviting you to try.

: Tizo has the slowest walk speed of all the companions. Which makes sense, considering how stubby his legs are. However, he makes up for it in his utilities, which are very unique and
very powerful by themselves.

: Instead of a regular jump, Tizo can instead flutter in the air for as long as he has stamina. Auras will have no effect on him and the only way to knock him down is for enemies to jump into him. His fly speed is the same as his run speed, so this is inherently a more defensive maneuver than anything, but if your opponents are outnumbered and focus more on your grounded units, Tizo can give them the slip pretty easily.

: Tizo cannot dash like other characters, again because of his stubby legs, but instead he can leap forward a small distance
very quickly. It accomplishes essentially the same thing as regularly dashing and it costs stamina per leap, ultimately evening out with the rest of his companions. Tizos zip, however, stops him when he lands after each leap, giving you a bit more stopping power than anyone else.

: And, the big one: instead of casting Tizos Aura like everyone else (and, by the way, Tizos default Aura size is
massive, second only to Jodariel), Tizo instead implodes himself in a massive bubble of Aura. This screenshot is Tizos maximum blast radius, and unlike everyone else, he cannot Power Cast.

: When Tizo implodes himself, he takes himself out of the game momentarily, but always for significantly less time than any adversaries he happens to catch in the blast. All in all, Tizo lacks offensive capabilities and because his implosion takes himself out, he isnt a very strong forward. But his quickness, and his ability to stall while fluttering, makes him a great defensive lineman, and the radius and charge time of his implosion is a great panic button.

: Well done as ever, Tizo.

: (Tizo is happy to lend his support during the Rites, if you could use his help.)

: Well, then, Reader? Who shall conduct the Rites in the name of the Nightwings?

: Thats a good question. As you can see, Rukey has taken himself out of the equation and is completely unwilling to compete against Barker.
So, Rukey excepted, who do we choose to compete against the Dissidents?

: You can choose any three of our remaining characters: Hedwyn, Jodariel, Mae, and Tizo. Five votes gets the character in the game, and choice order is determined in the order in which the characters receive their five votes (so, if Hedwyn gets to five first, and then Jodariel and Mae, Hedwyn is the forward).